Invest in a clean energy future and co-create the green transition

Welcome to the EnerDAO platform, where we combine the benefits of renewable energy and advanced blockchain technology to give everyone access to profitable investments in large-scale solar power plants. With us, you can invest in meaningful projects that provide stable revenues while contributing to a greener and more sustainable society.

Why invest through EnerDAO?

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Access to large-scale PV projects

Invest even small amounts in large-scale solar power plants that were previously reserved for large institutions.

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Blockchain and transparency

The ownership interests shall be issued as digital tokens registered on a fixed and publicly verifiable blockchain. This gives you full visibility of the project's cash flows and operations.

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Active participation in governance

Through a decentralised system (DAO), you can vote on key decisions and thus shape the development strategy.

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Yield + Sustainability

Regular revenues from electricity sales and potentially high value of equity tokens. At the same time, you contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions and sustainable development.

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Easy liquidity

When you want to exit, you can sell your tokens to other verified investors within the platform, increasing your financial flexibility.

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Legal certainty

We comply with European (MiFID II, AML/KYC, GDPR) and Slovenian (AIF) legislation, which gives additional confidence and investor protection.

How it works?


Registration and identity verification (KYC)

Create an account on the EnerDAO platform and complete a simple KYC process to ensure security and prevent abuse.


Project selection and analysis

Access a list of PV power plants with all relevant information: expected production, location, environmental impacts and expected financial returns.


Purchase of equity tokens

When you decide to invest, you buy digital tokens that represent your stake in the project. We accept euros and supported cryptocurrencies, giving you more freedom in your choice of payment means.


Monitoring returns and decision-making

In your user account, you can monitor the project's profitability in real time and receive revenue from the sale of electricity. You can participate in voting processes within the DAO, if needed.


Secondary market liquidity

You can easily sell your tokens to other verified investors if you want to exit part or all of your investment. The system is designed for quick and easy transactions.

Kako deluje?


Registracija in preverjanje identitete (KYC)

Ustvarite račun na platformi EnerDAO in opravite preprost KYC postopek, s čimer zagotovimo varnost ter preprečevanje zlorab.


Izbira in analiza projekta

Dostopajte do seznama fotovoltaičnih elektrarn z vsemi pomembnimi podatki: predvideno proizvodnjo, lokacijo, okoljske učinke in pričakovane finančne donose.


Nakup lastniških žetonov

Ko se odločite za investicijo, kupite digitalne žetone, ki predstavljajo vaš delež v projektu. Sprejemamo evre in podprte kriptovalute, kar vam omogoča večjo svobodo pri izbiri plačilnih sredstev.


Spremljanje donosa in odločanje

V svojem uporabniškem računu lahko v realnem času spremljate donosnost projekta in prejemate prihodke iz prodaje elektrike. Po potrebi sodelujete v glasovalnih procesih znotraj DAO.


Likvidnost na sekundarnem trgu

Žetone lahko zlahka prodate drugim preverjenim vlagateljem, če želite delno ali v celoti izstopiti iz naložbe. Sistem je zasnovan za hitre in enostavne transakcije.

Become part of the EnerDAO community

We are more than just a platform - we are a movement for clean energy and economic empowerment for the wider community. With EnerDAO, you achieve your financial goals while contributing to sustainable development, environmental protection and social responsibility.

Unlock the opportunity for profitable, transparent and socially responsible investing!

Join now


What is EnerDAO and how does it work?

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EnerDAO is an innovative platform that enables investors to become co-owners of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) projects with a small investment.

  • We use blockchain technology and smart contracts to securely tokenise ownership stakes in projects.
  • Investors receive digital tokens representing their share and are entitled to the corresponding revenues from the sale of electricity.
  • The platform is designed as a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), so investors also have the possibility to co-manage projects by voting.

How can I invest in projects on the EnerDAO platform?

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  • First, create a user account and complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process.
  • You choose a PV project of interest to you and specify the amount you want to invest.
  • You can make your deposits in euros or in your choice of cryptocurrencies, and the purchase of proprietary tokens is done through a secure transaction confirmed by a smart contract.
  • After a successful transaction, tokens representing your stake in the project will appear in your digital wallet.

Can I sell or transfer my tokens and what is the liquidity?

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  • Yes, equity tokens are transferable - you can sell or transfer them to other verified users, which gives you more liquidity than traditional infrastructure investments.
  • The platform has a secondary marketplace where you can make an offer to sell tokens or find new investment opportunities at any time.
  • Thanks to the standardised tokens, you can even transact independently of the platform - it's just important that the buyer has also passed KYC.

How does EnerDAO support sustainability and the circular economy?

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  • By financing large-scale photovoltaic projects, the Platform directly contributes to increasing the share of renewable energy.
  • Part of the proceeds from the sale of electricity is allocated to a recycling fund, which ensures the responsible decommissioning and reuse of PV components at the end of their useful life.
  • The platform encourages environmentally conscious decisions by investors through transparent environmental indicators (e.g. CO₂ savings) and creates long-term positive impacts for the community and the planet.

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